Sunflowers in June, you say? This is definitely not the norm up here in the North Pole a.k.a the Upper Peninsula of Migigan in gardening zone 4. Yet, we pulled it off last year and going to do it again
! I started my seeds indoors, potted them up once sprouted and once it was warm in the green house (ok it sounds boogie it is just a harbor freight cheap- but I love it! More about that later) they thrive. Pop in a heater for the cold evenings and bam sunflowers EARLY. Yes pots dry quicker and they’re a bit of work, but I think sunflowers are worth it. It brings a cheerful bloom and smile to my customers.
I choose PROCUT sunflowers one per pot. This gives a nice size bloom to sell in straight bouquets of 5. This year we are growing Procut White Lite, Procut Orange Excel, Procut Peach, Procut Gold Lite. I think that is all for now. In the fields we will have more and especially my favorite, TEDDY BEAR branching sunflowers. Also adorable for bouquets.